Transaction functions now return a data.frame if input is data.frame.
Make all tests self-sufficient.
Update tidy eval syntax.
debkeepr 0.0.6
New deb_tetra class to enable functionality with tetrapartite values. deb_tetra vectors can do everything that deb_lsd vectors can do and can also interact with deb_decimal vectors.
deb_decimal class can now represent tetrapartite values by having three non-decimal based units: length of bases attribute can now be either 2 or 3.
Allow interaction between tripartite (deb_lsd) and tetrapartite (deb_tetra) vectors.
Adopt rlang 1.0.0-style error messages with bulleted lists. New dependency on cli package.
Adopt testthat third edition (3.0.0) and use of snapshots.
Raise minimal version of vctrs to 0.4.1 and rlang to 1.0.2.
debkeepr 0.0.5
Changes for vctrs 0.3.0.
Adopt dplyr 1.0.0 as minimum version. This enables dplyr methods with record-style vectors such as deb_lsd.
Rewrite coercion and casting methods for vctrs 0.3.0.
Change documentation style of exporting methods.
debkeepr 0.0.4
Rewrite package using vctrs to create deb_lsd and deb_decimal classes.
Normalization of deb_lsd vectors.
Coercion and casting methods with deb_lsd and deb_decimal.
Mathematical functions and arithmetic operators with deb_lsd and deb_decimal.
Functions to convert bases of deb_lsd and deb_decimal vectors and unit of deb_decimal vectors.
Rewrite README to reflect changes.
Rewrite transactions vignette. Getting started and ledger vignettes temporarily removed, because they need more substantial revision.
Breaking changes
Basically everything.
Remove old functions using list-lsd class.
Remove accounts and list-column functions. This functionality is not replicated due to vctrs not integrating with dplyr yet.
debkeepr 0.0.3
Add vignette: Analysis of Richard Dafforne’s Journal and Ledger
pkgdown website for debkeepr
debkeepr 0.0.2
deb_account_summary() changed to have separate credit, debit, and current lsd list columns.
Improve handling of NA and values of £0 in account functions.